The "MERCOR" S.A. Group signed an agreement to purchase 25% of shares in ELMECH-ASE
We are pleased to announce that the "MERCOR" S.A. Group, a leader in new technologies in the fire protection industry, on December 7, 2021, signed an agreement to purchase 25% of shares in ELMECH-ASE Sp. z o. o. developing the technology of intelligent energy management based on the produced energy storage. Ultimately, as a result of the increase in the share capital of the Company, the MERCOR Group will hold a total of 50% of shares in ELMECH-ASE Sp. z o. o. The total value of the transaction will be PLN 5.2 million, including PLN 3.1 million for the acquisition of shares and PLN 2.1 million for a loan to the Company.
The energy storage facilities developed by ELMECH-ASE will provide the Group and its customers with increased energy efficiency and thus energy stability.
ELMECH-ASE energy storages created jointly with MERCOR S.A. they cooperate with RES installations, with car chargers (EV), work in peak/off-peak tariffs, stabilize power supply and emergency power supply.
The energy storages that we will produce together with Elmech-ASE for individual orders of companies will allow for the optimization of the purchase of energy from the grid and the management of our own energy resources from RES. These are concrete savings and energy security. Based on the knowledge of our engineers, product synergies and customer base, we can jointly take full advantage of market opportunities - says Krzysztof Krempeć, President of the Management Board of MERCOR S.A.