mcr EXi-F in preventing smoke from entering the staircase | Mercor

Each of us needs awareness that creates a sense of security that the buildings we live in are safe. Fire safety is a constant area of research.
Statistics show that as many as 95% of fatal cases are caused not by the fire itself, but by smoke inhalation.
The most important aspect of safety is therefore to ensure fresh air on escape routes.

Securing, for example, a staircase, which is often the only escape route, should consist in preventing smoke from entering it. Such possibilities are provided by the use of the set of mcr EXi-F products for pressure differentiation. Although the universality of the system allows it to be used in a building of any purpose, it should be borne in mind that only certified systems subjected to stringent dynamic tests in an accredited research unit are a guarantee of safe evacuation.
Due to the architecture, fire lobbies may prove to be a design challenge, where one of the ways to protect against smoke penetration is pressure control using the mcr ICS PRO pressure transducer together with transfer dampers from the mcr WIP family. In the case of limited space and the impossibility of using transfer flaps, a system of fast dampers is used, cooperating with the mcr ICP vestibule regulator. Quick dampers regulate the air flow when opening and closing the door to ensure a constant pressure difference in the protected space and compensation for the smoke exhaust fan.
Many years of Mercor's experience shows that the critical moment of construction is the process of commissioning, configuration and adjustment of systems, very often taking place just before acceptance by the State Fire Service services, where works are still underway to complete the investment. At Mercor, we have found a solution for this by creating a proprietary system configuration program that significantly shortens commissioning and service work. The intuitive application enables e.g. configuring the system operating parameters, viewing the history of events, monitoring the system operation. The generated graph of the pressure value versus time allows you to check the stabilization of the system within 3 seconds.
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